The Most Common Mental Health Disorders

1 in 8 people are believed to be currently living with a mental health disorder. While there are many different forms of mental health disorders, some are much more common than others. Below are some of the most common forms of mental health disorders, how to spot the symptoms and how to treat them.

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Generalised anxiety disorder

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is possibly the most common mental health disorder. It is a form of anxiety that is affected by lots of different triggers as opposed to just one thing. 

People with GAD tend to worry a lot, and these worries can end up becoming draining and debilitating. It’s possible that you have GAD if:

  • You get anxious about many different tasks and situations and feel constantly on edge
  • Anxious thoughts are keeping you up at night and distracting you from tasks during the day
  • Your worrying is having a negative impact on relationships, work or school

GAD symptoms can range in severity from mild persistent worrying to full-blown panic attacks. In all cases, it’s important to do something about it in order to stop it getting worse. It’s worth looking into professional treatment for anxiety if symptoms are severe. If symptoms are mild, you may be able to explore your own forms of anxiety relief such as breathing exercises, listening to music or taking herbal remedies. Do not turn to alcohol or drugs in order to treat GAD.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD is another type of anxiety. It is triggered by a traumatic event which could range from childbirth to being a victim of a violent crime. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people who experience a traumatic event develop PTSD. 

Some of the symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Constant nightmares and flashbacks of the traumatic event that keep you up at night and distract you during the day
  • A fear of certain situations or places that is detrimental to everyday life (such as not wanting to get into a car after a road accident)
  • Feelings of isolation or guilt that cause you to become morose and irritable

There are many treatments for PTSD that you can explore. Some people are prescribed antidepressants, while therapy is recommended for others. PTSD is often at its worst when the event is still fresh in one’s mind, but will usually gradually fade over time. However, for some people it can get worse over time – this is when you know that you need to get professional support. Solutions like support groups can be very beneficial. 


Depression is not just sadness. It is a sense of resentment and hopelessness that lasts weeks or months. Depression is often triggered by certain events, however, those who have a history of it or family with depression may be prone to more random episodes. 

You may have depression if:

  • You are losing interest in things that once brought you joy and do not feel hopeful about anything
  • You feel constantly tired and have no urge to look after yourself
  • You have lost your appetite and your sex drive
  • You waste away the day sleeping or find it difficult to sleep at all due to depressed thoughts

Like other mental illnesses, depression can vary in severity. Some people just feel constantly dispirited, while others can feel there is no point in living at all – which can lead to suicidal thoughts. While you should seek treatment in all cases, it’s particularly important to reach out if you are thinking of harming yourself. There are many ways to overcome depression including lifestyle changes (such as developing a strict routine and exercising), antidepressants, therapy and socialising with people whose company you genuinely enjoy.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects many people and involves obsessive thoughts and behaviours that end up negatively affecting everyday life. Unlike GAD, people with OCD often carry out specific rituals that seem excessive or nonsensical to other people. This could include routinely cleaning things that are already clean, checking that a door is locked multiple times every night or avoiding stepping on cracks in the pavement.

Not all obsessive behaviours are a problem. However, OCD is worth treating if:

  • You find yourself missing appointments or are late to work/school due to lengthy OCD rituals
  • Your relationships become strained because of your obsessive thoughts and behaviours
  • Your physical health is being affected (for example, you’ve developed dermatitis from constantly cleaning your hands)

Therapy is the best way to treat OCD. Using professionally recommended techniques you can help to overcome obsessive thoughts and behaviours. 

5 Essential Self-Care Practices to Thrive in Your 40s

As we age, it is important to prioritize our physical and mental well-being. Self-care in our 40s is essential for leading a healthy and balanced life. Taking the time to practice self-care can have many benefits, such as improved physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. It can also help reduce stress levels, improve relationships with others, and increase productivity. By taking the time to focus on ourselves in our 40s, we can ensure that we are living our best lives for years to come.

1. Eat Healthy Foods for Optimal Health

Eating healthy is essential for optimal health, especially in your 40s. As you age, the body’s nutritional needs change and it is important to ensure that you get the right balance of nutrients from your diet. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats will help to maintain energy levels and keep your body functioning at its best. Here are some tips for making smart, healthy choices:

– Strive for variety in your diet, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

– Make sure that you are also getting more than the recommended minimum daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables.

– Don’t rely on protein to make up most of your diet; it’s better to eat more whole grains high in fiber.

– Aim for at least half the amount of whole-grain food that you eat each day.

A good rule of thumb is to try and eat something made from whole grain every 3 or 4 hours during the day.

2. Create a Personalized Exercise Plan that Works Best For You

It’s never too late to start a fitness routine, especially if you’re over forty. With the right exercises and plan, you can become more physically fit and improve your overall health. But what are the best exercises for busy adults over forty? You do not have to slug it out in the gym every single day.

Make sure that whatever activity you choose, you get at least 20-40 minutes of exercising. Make it a routine and a habit in order to ensure that it helps you achieve your fitness goals. You can try activities such as swimming, biking, yoga, running, or even hiking. All of these will also help you get out in nature.

3. Get Quality Sleep Every Night

Quality sleep is essential for adults over forty to stay healthy and energized. Not getting enough sleep can lead to serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. It also affects our mental health, causing us to feel anxious and depressed. To get quality sleep every night, it’s important for adults over forty to follow certain sleeping habits and tips that will help them get better rest each night.

Do not use any electronics at least one hour prior to when you are supposed to sleep. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and not for other activities such as work and eating food. Try to establish a bedtime routine that consists of taking a shower, doing some skincare, and reading a book in order to get in bed.

4. Get Checked Regularly

As we age, our health can start to decline. That’s why it’s so important to get regular checkups in your 40s and beyond. Getting checked regularly is key for identifying any potential health issues before they become serious and can help you stay healthy and active as you get older.

A woman’s risk for breast cancer increases with age, which is why they should get checked every 6 months.

As for men, testosterone replacement therapy and aging are directly related since testosterone levels in men decline with age. Low testosterone can lead to fatigue, depression, weight gain, and decreased libido. By getting regular checkups, you can make sure that your testosterone levels are within normal range and take action if they are not. Regular checkups also help identify other medical conditions that may be causing symptoms similar to low testosterone levels.

5. Take Time to Relax and Recharge

For adults over forty, taking the time to relax and recharge is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As we age, our bodies and minds are more prone to stress, which can lead to physical and mental health issues. To combat this, it’s important to take the time to de-stress and unwind after a stressful day. Try to take out time for yourself that is away from work and personal commitments. Strive to give yourself a break at least once a week so that you do not burn out. Try to develop some hobbies that make you happy and keep you busy.

It is important to take good care of yourself in your 40s so that you age well. Use this list to help you figure out the areas you have been lacking in to help you improve your quality of life.

Minority Mental Health Matters with Dr. Eliza Belle

Dr. Eliza Belle is a Licensed Psychologist and Board Certified Forensic Examiner. She currently serves as the Director of Psychological and Behavioral Services for Alabama’s Department of Mental Health.


Let’s talk about discrepancies in mental health treatment between minorities and non-minorities.


20% of African American adults are more likely to experience more negative impacts from mental health issues. However, they are less likely to receive it due to misdiagnosis, lack of culturally responsive health care professionals, and socioeconomic factors.


18% of US adults have a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, and approximately 4% of adults have a serious mental illness.

Mental disorders are among the topmost costly health conditions for adults 18 to 64 in the U.S., along with cancer and trauma-related disorders.

Black people with mental health conditions, particularly schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and other psychoses are more likely to be incarcerated than people of other races.


Dr. Eliza Belle Mental Health Tips:

How to Relax

Visualization – Close your eyes and picture your peaceful place

Deep breathing – Take a few minutes to slowly breathe in and out. Deep breaths for the win.

Meditation – This will allow you to focus on your body, thoughts, and surroundings.

Unplug – set boundaries for communication, use of devices, and response to requests of your time.

Deep Breaths – Controlled breathing is your body’s built-in calming system. When things feel overwhelming, take a moment to take deep breaths and exhale. This will calm your heart rate and allow you a moment to reset.

Get Up & Move – Adjusting your posture and movement can change your brain’s signals and help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

Journal – Journaling allows you to process events, identify what is causing you stress and clarify your feelings. It is a great tool to help gain self-awareness in stressful situations.

Talk to a Loved One -Speaking with someone allows you to express your feelings. It also allows an unbiased party the opportunity to introduce an alternative perspective.


Stress Relieving Lavender Beauty Products: Holiday Self-Care Options

Relieve holiday stress with two Lavender scented products that help you unwind and slow down thanks to the soothing aroma.

Kneipp Lavender Aromatherapy Bubble Bath – “Relaxing” ($15,

With beneficial ingredients such as essential lavender oil, this bubble bath allows you to relax and bring your mind and body back into balance.

The bubble bath fills the tub with beautiful shades of blue and lavender, which can play a part in calming one’s mood through the use of color therapy.

MegRhythm Eye Mask in Lavender ($10.99 for a pack of 7,

MegRhythm self-heating eye mask in lavender is the perfect way to de-stress and relax.

The advanced self-heating technology will heighten relaxation with the warm sensation of steam heat, while the lavender scent releases a calming effect on the mind.

This can be an intense time of the year and there’s several options to help us practice self-care:

  • Create a holiday shopping list and budget.
  • Don’t overcommit to holiday parties.
  • Start food-prep early; take a look at recipes and ingredients.
  • Place some food items in the freezer for ready-made meals.
  • Purge unused household goods and donate to local charities.
  • Take time for yourself by getting a massage or therapeutic remedies with essential oils.