Kelly Rowland and The Caress Fabulista Army

Let’s talk about living life Fabulously – this means enjoying everyday experiences in a fresh new way! For example, if the sun is shining open the windows and inhale the fresh air or stop for two minutes in the afternoon to indulge in a cup of green tea.
Ultimately, that’s the foundation of this site, for girls living in a small town to strive towards their goals; and women to feel beautiful (comfortable) in their own skin. With this very reason, I was excited and honored to join The Caress Fabulista Army.
In a nutshell, the Caress brand selected women across the U.S. to help launch their new campaign while sending new products from their body wash collection. In addition, Kelly Rowland has become this year’s celebrity spokeswoman…and I’m a true fan of Kelly Rowland.
The new Fresh Collection is Juicy Escape, Emerald Rush, and Aqua Sparkle, which is my favorite. So I ask my readers, “How do you live life Fabulously?” What are you doing to make your life, world, or community a fabulous place? I think it’s easy for me to answer…managing this site!
To follow the movement visit twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #caressme