How To Maintain A Young-Looking Face | Expert Tips

We all want to look as youthful as possible for as long as possible. We spend money on creams, facials, fillers, and even sometimes plastic surgery. To get some tips for how we can maintain a young-looking face, we went to several great beauty professionals including Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of the Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery in Philadelphia, who has appeared on national programs such as Good Morning America and 20/20. Here’s what they all have to say.

 Featured Photo from

  1. Get rest.

There absolutely is such a thing as beauty sleep. “Women come to my practice thinking they need an eye-job or a facelift when all they need is sleep. Sleep is a time when we rejuvenate ourselves and cellular turnover is at its height. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly will make a huge difference in how youthful a woman appears especially as she approaches age 30 and collagen production decreases,” says Dr. Brandow. “A woman can speed up aging if they are constantly sleep deprived.”

  1. Use an overnight treatment.

If you suffer from breakouts or skin dryness leading to wrinkles or blotches, treating your skin concerns at night, is a way to maintain a youthful glow. “Work closely with your dermatologist or aesthetician who can recommend non-irritating skin treatments specifically addressing your concern,” advises Dr. Brandow. You want to take advantage of overnight options available to boost collagen and heal skin while sleeping.

  1. Hydrate

When it comes to anti-aging and putting your most youthful face forward, water is key. Water flushes your system of toxins which helps skin to glow. “Women spend a lot of money on topical creams formulated to boost moisture and hydrate the skin yet, if they integrated more water, even 4, 8 ounce glasses per day, they would see fewer wrinkles and an overall smoother younger skin texture within a month,” says Dr. Adriane Pompa, Miami based board certified dermatologist who specializes in aging skin.

  1. Be smart about fillers.

Fillers are used to add volume that diminishes as we age but people have taken it to extremes. There have been many advancements with fillers over the past 5 years offering more options and more sophisticated ways to administer them to achieve a youthful look.

According to Dr. Brandow, many patients believe that filling their cheeks will soften their laugh lines, so they push doctors to administer two to four syringes in their cheek bones and cheek area at once. This can result in swelling and doesn’t necessarily lift their face. Fillers are often done as an alternative to a face lift but, if not spread out over several weeks, it just gives the patient an unnatural look that distorts their face and makes them look odd.

“My personal preference is to perform the fillers sequentially. For example, I will use one syringe of filler in multiple locations. Then I’ll have patients return in 4-6 weeks and perhaps do another syringe to the same places, or different places, giving them an overall natural look. This leads to a softer, more natural result. The key to doing fillers well are going with small amounts every 4-6 weeks,” explains Dr. Brandow.

  1. Get facials.

According to Dr. Adriane Pompa, one facial per month does wonders for skin’s clarity, texture, and ability to produce collagen. “There are many at-home facials available one can do weekly. The key is knowing your skin type and ingredients that address your specific skin concern. Also, you can treat different parts of the face differently depending on skin issue. Let’s say you are prone to breakouts on your jawline, have wrinkles on your forehead and dryness on the cheeks, your dermatologist or aesthetician can recommend a facial plan customized for you.”

  1. Consider lasers and light!

Lasers are another tool that blasts away acne scars, evidence of past sun damage and evens out skin giving that flawless, youthful glow. There have been so many advancements with lasers resulting in more immediate results without downtime. Lasers typically cost between $600 – $1200 per treatment depending on the city and type of laser. The advantage with lasers is accuracy. You can treat a specific area without affecting the rest of the surrounding skin.

  1. Tone down your make-up.

One way to immediately take 10 years off your look is to revamp your make-up. Consider hiring a professional make-up artist who can teach you how to enhance and even modernize your look. New York make-up artist, Carlo Geraci, who was protégé to Trish McEvoy and Kevin Aucion, explains that a lot of women are doing their make-up the same way they did 20 years ago. That bronzer that you loved in the 90’s when you were 24 may appear harsh and outdated at 44. “Heavy eye liner and strong lip colors may only accentuate wrinkles and fine lines. As women age, less is more when it comes to make-up. Opt for a great hydrating foundation or a touch of concealer, a pinch of blush, a swipe of mascara or a gray or brown eyeliner and a natural looking lip liner topped with a tinted hydrating balm,” he suggests.


About the Experts:

Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is a plastic surgeon with 2 locations in the Philadelphia metro area and a 3rd one at the jersey shore. Named a “Top Doc” in Plastic Surgery by Philadelphia Magazine as well as nationally recognized for one of America’s “Best Plastic Surgeons” of this decade, Dr. Brandow is a trusted expert who has developed many innovative, minimally invasive procedures for the face, body and skin. He has been featured on local, national and international television programs including 20/20, CNN’s Headline News, Good Morning America.

Dr. Adriane Pompa is a board-certified dermatologist and Associate Professor of Dermatology at University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital who is highly trained in medical dermatology, dermatologic surgery and cosmetic dermatology. In addition to her general practice, she specializes in anti-aging skin care, skin cancer prevention and treatment, and laser use in dermatology.

Carlo Geraci, New York make-up artist has worked alongside Kevin Aucoin, helped launch the Trish McEvoy brand, and was invited by Barneys New York to became the first Beauty Guru, a position created specifically for him. His work has appeared in print and commercial campaigns, New York Fashion Week runways, red carpets, Broadway stages, television, film, and fashion editorials. He has also appeared on the Style Network, CBS News, and Today on NBC. 

Loreal Root Cover Up – Beauty Tip

Let’s have a realistic conversation about our hair and color system.  Personally, I am not 18 years old and have perfectly colored roots.  Over the last few years I have noticed a few strands that are not pleasing to the eye (smile.)  We can’t turn back the hands of time but we can definitely select a product that will benefit our beauty routine.

Loreal Root Cover Up

After reading Instyle Magazine I discovered that Loreal had a new product to help with this unsightly problem. The Loreal Root Coverup is said to cover up your roots in exactly 3 minutes.  It’s a temporary gray concealer and perfect for in-between salon visits.

Root Cover Up

The product comes in six different shades and it’s for all hair types.  It’s also stated to be lightweight, smudge proof, and peroxide free.  I’m looking forward to testing the product on my hair to hide a few discolored strands!

Beautyblender Care and Tips from Instyle Magazine

I wanted to share this article titled, “Stop Ruining Your Beautyblender By Following These Tips” written by Alexis Bennet from Instyle Magazine.  For those who may not know, this particular makeup sponge is significant due to the shape, material, and application technique.


Although the blender’s considered to be much pricer than normal applicators, most makeup artist (and enthusiast) notice a difference after use.  I also love the fact that it’s small enough to fit in my pocket or cosmetics bag.  I’ve noticed several questions (on Instagram) asking how to properly care for the Beautyblender.  Thankfully, Instyle Magazine explained the best tips for preventing holes and breakage.

Photo Credit: Instyle Magazine
Photo Credit: Instyle Magazine

 Beautyblender creator Rea Anna Silva states, “First and foremost, it still amazes me how after so many years that people (even friends and family) still don’t know to wet it,” Silva exclaims. “You have to wet your Beautyblender to get it in its optimum condition for use and for the best makeup application.”

The brand has also expanded to cleansers, tools, and more accessories.  Click on the article and watch more “blending magic” on January 21, 2016, the upcoming HSN special:  Stop Ruining Your Beautyblender By Following These Tips

[youtube height=”720″ width=”1280″]


The Art of Thrifting – How To Guide

Thrift shopping has become “the cool kids” way of updating their wardrobe and I have always adored thrifting.  It’s one of my favorite hobbies since the age of 15 and allowed me to express my individual style.

My dad could never understand my obsession with consignment/thrift shops.  He gave me money for clothing but instead of spending it at McCraes (which is now Belks) I would ask my mom to drive me to the thrift shop.

I think it was the experience of understanding clothing construction that attracted me to this hobby.  In the process of shopping, I learned a lot about fabrics and fixtures.  I also learned how to properly care for clothing because some items need to be dry cleaned while others required fabric softener.

Thankfully my mom never rejected my obsession because she also enjoys thrifting.  To this day we call it “the closet” and when I visit my parents we turn this into a major event.  For us, it’s a bonding activity and a perfect opportunity to neglect the budget planner for a little while, and still somehow save money!

I do recognize that thrifting’s not for everyone but I think it’s about strategy.  There’s an art to thrifting that many may not understand and some of us have the true knack of finding a good deal.  I want to help those who may not understand how to thrift and share in this experience.

Thrifted Skirt, Handbag, Belt, and Dress


Step Number One:  I read fashion magazines like Instyle or People StyleWatch to recognize what’s fashionable for the season.   When I’m shopping, I will instantly gravitate towards that trendy pair of white seersucker pants hanging on the rack.

Step Number Two:  Know your body type before shopping consignment/thrift stores.  Entering a thrift store can be overwhelming because there’s so much merchandise.  You want to select items that compliment your figure and NOT because it’s a designer blouse.  Nothing’s worse than paying $12 dollars for something that doesn’t work and you can NOT take back to the store.

Step Number Three:  Search for quality fabrics or what I like to call (this is my fashion degree moment) natural fibers.  They tend to hold up well in the course of wearing and look chic.

Step Number Four:  Always, Always, Always, Always, overlook the garment.  Do not purchase anything without searching the garment from top to bottom.  For example, if you have a blazer in your basket search the pockets for tears, look at the buttons to see if one’s missing, or whether there’s a hole in the fabric.  This is a very important step to thrifting.

Step Number Five:  This may come as a surprise but thrift shops actually have sale days.  Check with the sales associates or look around the store for sales.  Also, keep up with the store discounts; for example, if a ticket has a red sticker your item could be 50% off.

You’re probably asking what type of items have I found while thrifting?  Well,  you’ve actually seen a few of the items on this site but I’ve purchased a fur coat (my first one in graduate school) Louis Vuitton wallet, Ralph Lauren sweaters, BCBG pumps, vintage sunglasses and clutch purses, denim jeans, wool plaid swing coat (my favorite in college) knee boots, and the list goes on!

Nothing says “chic” better than mixing vintage couture and fabulous accessories.