Colgate Total Regimen and Dental Hygiene: Product Review #ColgateSmile

Your smile is the best accessory that you will ever have! Due to this reason alone, it’s vitality important that you take care of your teeth and gums.

Use a product that creates a clean mouth and sparkling smile.

Colgate is a brand that’s stood the test of time in terms of preventing tooth decay and good dental health.

I had the opportunity to review their latest product line and received amazing results! The Advanced Powered Toothbrush has a dual action head for individual tooth reach.

For daily dental repair, the Total Advanced Toothpaste and Mouthwash left my mouth feeling fresh.

All of my dental hygiene products must remove surface stains because I drink coffee and eat foods that leave a residue.

Early Morning Routine: 

Wake Up

Floss & Brush Teeth

Drink a Cup of Coffee

Make Breakfast and Lunch

Take Kids to School

Additional preventative benefits from using Colgate include:

  • Cavities
  • Gingivitis
  • Plaque
  • Bad Breath

Purchase Colgate products to create a beautiful smile and start a good dental hygiene regimen.

Don’t Skip These Important Health Tests: Expert Advice

With the healthcare system is crisis, tons of red tape and fewer doctors accepting insurance, managing one’s health has become a major challenge. More and more women are skipping key exams simply because getting appointments are a hassle and obtaining coverage isn’t always guaranteed. That said, there are some key tests and exams that ever woman must have at various times of her life. If you’re going to put a preventative care plan together for yourself it’s important to know which tests are necessary to maintain optimal health. Dr. Christopher Calapai, a NYC board certified expert in osteopathic medicine specializing in longevity, recommends these tests.

Featured Photo from The New Potatoe

Blood and blood pressure screening: Starting at age 18, every woman needs to have her blood pressure checked at least every two years. Having annual bloodwork done is the way to tell if organs are functioning properly. Doing the basic blood panel between age 18 and 39 is a great start. After age 40 additional testing for things like fibrinogen which impacts blood clotting and C-Reative Protein which looks at inflammation in the body are key tests to consider. “As a longevity specialist, bloodwork tells a detailed story about health patterns and future predictions that can then be addressed and even reversed with early care,” says Dr. Calapai.

Cholesterol screening/lipid profile:

Cholesterol is a type of fatty protein in your blood that can build up in your arteries, so knowing how much cholesterol is present is a good predictor of your risk for heart disease. It’s important to start monitoring cholesterol starting at age 20 to establish a history. As women age cholesterol levels tend to rise so having a solid basis of comparison decade to decade is helpful in preventing heart disease down the road, explains Dr. Calapai.

Pap smear:

A pap smear is an important test for women to get annually if they are sexually active and over age 21. The test is designed to detect infection, inflammation or cellular abnormalities in the cervix which may lead to cervical cancer. “This is certainly one of those tests that must be done every year. Some women diagnosed with HPV who may have had abnormal results are often monitored even more closely. The more a woman knows about the health of her reproductive organs the better she can integrate foods, vitamins and minerals to keep herself healthy,” advises Dr. Calapai.

Mammograms and breast exams:

Women should begin administering monthly self-breast exams monthly as early as age 18. “It’s so important for women to understand that breast tissue changes during the month. They want to do the self-check in their shower or lying down just after their period ends when breasts are less tender, sore or swollen. This is when to feel around for any lumps, pain, tenderness, inflamed skin, and any issues with the nipple such as blockages or discharge. A mammography is an x-ray of the breasts. As of 2017, the American Cancer Society screening guidelines advises women to begin getting annual mammograms by age 45 and then can go to every other year by age 55. This guideline is for a woman of average risk. Women with a family history of breast cancer or with had cystic breasts with benign cysts should obviously have mammograms at an earlier age. “The self-exam is so important because early detection is key. If a woman is in her 20’s or 30’s and feels a lump she can follow through with her doctor for a closer look. When a woman goes in for a pap smear a breast exam is often done as well. However, you can’t hold off and skip the self-exam, cautions Dr. Calapai.

Skin cancer screening:

Skin cancer, while less deadly than other kinds of cancers, is the number-one cancer diagnosed among Americans; and one type of skin cancer, melanoma, is deadly. The number of women under age 40 with basal cell carcinoma, one type of skin cancer, has more than doubled in the last 30 years and women under 39 are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma as men.

A skin cancer screening involves a full examination of the skin with focused attention on any moles, skin lesions or any other changes to the skin. It is advised to begin skin cancer screenings at any age and the fairer the complexion the more vigilant one must be. Annual screenings are normal and doctors may recommend twice annually if there are more moles and you’re on hypertension medication. “The skin is the largest organ in the body and a great indicator of overall health. Even if you have darker skin any rash, growth or skin issue should be taken seriously so the underlying cause can be determined quickly,” adds Dr. Calapai.

Eye exam and vision screening:

According to the American Optometric Association people with normal, good vision should have their eyes examined every 3 years. For people who needed glasses or contacts at an earlier age an annual exam is recommended. By age 40 those with healthy, strong eyesight will begin to see changes either when driving, reading or watching TV. Women are at a slightly higher risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, one of the most common eye health problems. A vision screening tests how well you can see; an eye exam checks for glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinopathy, and other eye diseases. Make sure you’re having both kinds of exams. If you have diabetes, you’re at much higher risk for eye problems and should be checked more often. “When you get an eye exam and a prescription for glasses is give follow through and get the glasses. It’s amazing how many people put this off which only leads to further eye strain and headaches. Besides, glasses these days are a stylish accessory. There’s no need to compromise eye health for vanity,” says Dr. Calapai.

About the doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham’s, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at

How Much Caffeine Can I Drink A Day

Too much caffeine caused the death of a 16-year-old high school student from South Carolina who collapsed during class last month, according to the county coroner. Davis Allen Cripe died from a caffeine-induced cardiac event causing a probable arrhythmia. During an arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body, and lack of blood flow affects the brain, heart and other organs. The teen consumed three caffeine-laced drinks — a cafe latte, large Diet Mountain Dew and an energy drink — in a two-hour period before collapsing in his classroom at Spring Hill High School on April 26, Watts said. (Source: CNN) So where does this tragic news leave adult java lovers?

How much caffeine can I drink a day?

“Most people can safely take in about 400 milligrams of caffeine daily or about 4 cups of coffee,” says Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine. He adds that, “the limit varies from person to person.” It’s difficult to assign an exact amount for everyone because people can have different sensitivities or reactions to caffeine based on age, medical history, and tolerance. However, there is enough research available to make a recommendation based on an individual’s weight.

To keep it safe, health experts recommend a maximum daily dose of 400 mg. To see what this means for you, check out the caffeine in some of these common drinks:

Starbucks Coffee (16 fl oz): 320 mg caffeine

5-hour energy (1.93 fl oz): 207 mg caffeine

Dunkin Donuts regular (16 fl oz): 203 mg caffeine

Starbucks Latte (16 fl oz): 150 mg caffeine

Coffee, brewed (8 fl oz): 133 mg caffeine

Red Bull Energy Shot (2 fl oz): 80 mg caffeine

Red Bull (8 fl oz): 80 mg caffeine

Tea (8 fl oz): 53 mg caffeine

But how, exactly, can the world’s most popular drug kill?

Like other stimulants, caffeine raises blood pressure, boosts heart rate and temporarily shrinks blood vessels. Dr. Calapai explains that, “In excess, the effects can be deadly by causing a heart attack, stroke or other cardio-vascular-related problem. Researchers think daily caffeine intake can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, but the results so far have been inconclusive.”

It’s also important to realize that medical conditions can affect sensitivity to caffeine. “If you have anxiety, panic disorder, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, diabetes, take medication or have any sort of medical condition, then you may tolerate less caffeine and should speak to a doctor,” says Dr. Calapai.

There are “caffeine overdose symptoms” that are important to watch for. These include:

Jitters, Restlessness, and Nervousness

Increased heartbeat



Heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia)





Cardiac arrest

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed as the “The Stem Cell Guru” by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson’s. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Fox series Gotham’s, Donal Logue; he was a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at

Culinary Trends For Healthy Food

It’s not only in the fashion world that we see trends but also in the culinary world too. If you are not up to date on the latest fashions in food, then read on for a simple breakdown and some advice on how they could help you be healthier.


5:2 Diet Plan

5:2 is the most recent trend in food that people are raving about at the moment. It a fasting diet, where you consume under 500 calories for two days of the week and eat as normal for the rest of the time. This way of fasting is said to kick the body out of fat storage mode while allowing you to eat regular meals.


Some people do two full days of eating only 500 calories. While only eating 500 calories in a day might seem pretty grim, you are not completely starving yourself. There are some tasty and filling soups, salads and frittatas that you can still enjoy, even on a fast day. Just make sure that you count your calories.

Some People choose to spread their fast out through the whole week. This process is known as intermittent fasting and comprises of regular ‘eating windows’. Basically, you have a window in each day that you can eat in, but you are not to consume anything outside of that time. It usually last about 6 hours so many people skip breakfast and use the time when they are asleep to make up the rest of their 18-hour fast time. This is a lot easier because when you are asleep, you are not going to feel hungry.

Clean eating

Clean eating is also popular with celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, and Jessica Alba. In fact, Paltrow is so committed to the cause that she has written several cook books on the subject including “It’s all good” and “It’s all easy,” which you can purchase here.

Clean eating focuses on cutting out any processed food. This is because processed food often contains lots of sugar, fat, and additives that make it taste nice, but doesn’t need to be there. That means if you are eating a lot of processed food you are taking a significant amount of bad stuff into your body when you don’t  need to. By switching to clean eating, your body gets more of the proper nutrients it needs and less of the bad stuff that is harmful to it.


For the most part cleaning eating requires you to prepare and cook the food yourself to avoid these ‘dirty’ additives. However, you can, of course, eat healthy whole snacks like popcorn, and raw fruit and veg. Some companies are now also selling prepared products that follow the clean eating ideal. One such company is Hampton Creek, who are trying to change the food industry from the ground up. You can check them out on YouTube where you can discover what goes into their products. There are also some nice recipe ideas for clean dinners that you have to try.


The paleo diet has been all over social media in the last few months and has been trending hard on both Pinterest and Instagram. If you are still in the dark about this food trend, the basic premise is that you can only eat food that would have been available to a caveman. So that means sugar, cereals, dairy and beans and pulses are out. This leaves meat, vegetables, fats, nuts and fruits on the menu.

It’s based on the idea that as the world became industrialized, we humans, started to eat a lot of stuff that we are not meant to. Stuff like refined sugar, cow’s milk and the like. Our bodies were never designed to eat or digest this stuff properly so going back to a caveman diet will reset our bodies to optimum health.


While it sounds pretty strict, some of the more clever cooks have been adapting everyday recipes to the paleo diet so it’s not as hard to stick to as its sounds. You can actually have brownies, cheese cakes, cupcakes and cookies on this diet. The only thing you need to do is replace the flour and sugar with honey, white beans and avocados.

Carb free

Another trend in food that has been popular is to cut out carbs altogether. This one you have probably already heard of as it has been around a while and was popularized with the famous Atkins diet.

Atkins got some quite controversial press as it seemed that people were losing weight while still eating fat. But doctors did point out that a pure protein diet it’s pretty harsh on the liver, not to mention the problem of subcutaneous fat. So it’s had a bit of an overhaul, and now there are four stages, which gradually reintroduce a reduced amount of carb into your diet. Atkins recommend that you judge for yourself and see how much carbohydrate your body is comfortable with to keep you at your optimum weight.

Despite The controversy, many people use a low carb diet it to control their weight, especially people with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Up to 5 million women in the US may have POCOS, many of them undiagnosed. In this syndrome, the insulin levels are often higher that then need to be and the body reacts badly to sugar and refined carbs. This can cause a sugar addiction. This is where the person will crave sugar. What happens is when they consume that sugar it won’t be processed right be the body. So the sugar levels will fall quickly into the bloodstream, and then they end up feeling like they want some more. By taking themselves out of the sugar cycle, people with PCOS can stabilise their insulin levels. This allows them to maintain healthy weight much more easily and can help prevent the onset of diabetes.


Some people don’t go as far as following the Atkins all the way,  but compromise with only eating carbs at lunch or breakfast. In this way, your body has a greater chance at processing them as you are active through the day. Instead of instantly converting them to fat, during the sedentary evening period.  

Collaborative Post

Spa Week Spring 2016 Event – Wellness and Fitness

Technology gives us a wealth of opportunities to have a more comfortable life. We have become accustomed to tech indulgences such as shopping online, working on our tablets, posting to social media and binge watching Netflix anywhere. Everything we need to do or share is a call, text or post away. While all of these modern lifestyle techniques are extremely convenient, they are doing actual physical harm to our minds and bodies. From April 11th-17th, Spa Week is back to remind us about the importance of taking care of ourselves by treating technology-related injuries and stress. Spa Week has successfully spread this message for over a decade and their biannual events enable millions to lead a healthier lifestyle. Hundreds of spa, wellness, and fitness facilities will be offering premium full-service treatments at a major discount of $50 each. During Spa Week, set your favorite technology device aside and allow yourself the time to truly rebalance and heal your mind and body.

Using tablets, computers, and cell phones on a daily basis leads to issues such as back and neck pain, poor posture, muscle fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome, facial sagging (phone face), vision damage, sore thumbs, anxiety, stress and more. Technology dependence has become a part of everyday life. To help alleviate these symptoms and reverse the damage caused by technology overload, spas have created treatments that specifically focus on and alleviate these technology-related conditions. During Spa Week, from April 11th-17th, signature treatments will be offered at a special rate of $50/treatment (normally $100-$500) at participating locations.

This spring, Spa Week has teamed up with spas across the country to deliver healing and therapeutic treatments to combat the effects of technology. Long hours hunched over a computer can create a myriad of problems. Haven Spa in New York City offers a unique Geek Massage (Reg. $100, Spa Week $50) that was created to address and relieve the ailments that are created from hours of computer usage. Having your phone connected to your face all day and texting leads to clogged pores and wrinkles from squinting your eyes. Holistic Touch in Virginia offers Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (Reg. $130, Spa Week $50). With this natural face-lift you will notice a great improvement in skin tightness, clarity and evenness of tone. Lines will show improvement and meditation exercises are taught during the session to help break the habits of expression that contribute to these. Anxiety brought on by our fast paced lifestyle can be healed through the power of water. The Elizabeth Adams Salon in Illinois touts their Spa Oceana Stress Relief Treatment (Reg. $100, Spa Week $50)– a water-based stress-relief body treatment. Long day at the office? KUR Skin Lab in New York City has created an Office Relief Massage (Reg. $125, Spa Week $50). This massage treatment with guided meditation will help heal you mentally by alleviating subconscious tension along with physical and mental strain. As we sit for hours a day, tight muscles and tense necks often occur. Red Door Spas nationwide are offering a De-Stress Body Treatment (Reg. $255, Spa Week $50) including exfoliation, an aromatherapeutic body wrap and a relaxing scalp massage to melt stress away and rebalance your spirit.

In order to receive exclusive information on participating spa and wellness locations and their $50 services, spa-goers should register on as early as possible. The complete list of treatments, available on March 21st, will allow consumers to begin booking their desired services. It is recommended that spa-goers sign up and book in advance on to ensure they reserve their top treatment choices. Visitors to also have the opportunity to spread the gift of wellness by conveniently purchasing the Spa & Wellness Gift Card by Spa Week®. Accepted at over 8,000 spas and wellness locations across North America, Spa & Wellness Gift Cards may be used during Spa Week or any time of the year without expiration. Recipients will have the freedom to choose from thousands of locations and services, all while knowing that you have their long-term health, balance and happiness in mind.

Spa Week was created and founded by Cheryl Reid, who hails from successful careers within the luxury spa industry and publishing spheres. Joining Spa Week for the Spring 2016 Event, sponsors include Exclusive Destination Sponsor: Sandals; Exclusive Cosmetics Sponsor: Hynt Beauty; Exclusive Apparel Sponsor: Yummie by Heather Thomson; and Exclusive Trade Association Partner: International Spa Association (ISPA). The event is co-sponsored by Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) and a portion of the proceeds from the Spring and Fall Events is donated to

About Spa Week Media Group, Ltd.
Spa Week Media Group, Ltd. is the leading health, beauty and wellness marketing company across North America. Through its website, millions of consumers from coast to coast benefit from an abundance of resources necessary to experience a healthier, well-rounded lifestyle, 365 days a year. Since its inception in 2004, Spa Week has continued to revolutionize the industry with the success of its biannual Spring and Fall Events with signature $50 spa services, life-changing promotions and a robust gift card program. Spa Week continues its dedication of delivering the best in health and wellness year round with its Spa & Wellness Gift Card, the premier spa gift card of choice by consumers. This gift card is accepted at over 8,000 spa and wellness locations across North America and is sold in over 60,000 retail stores nationwide including Target, CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and on It’s never been more convenient to give and enjoy the gift of wellness.