Finding Your Faith-Filled Start To The New Year

If you’ve decided to make the effort to rediscover your life this year, then you might find that, like many, you can find enrichment in a part of your life that you might not have been giving as much attention to lately: your faith. If you’ve been rediscovering your connection to God, you might be thinking about what you can do to deepen it, to make it a bigger part of your life, and to enjoy all of the benefits that this renewed dedication can offer. Here are a few ways to do it at the start of this new year.


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Participate with your church

It might sound fairly simple because, honestly, it is. A big reason that a lot of people fall out of practicing their faith is that they don’t take active steps to maintain it. Perhaps most important of all is finding your church, if you don’t already have one, and participating in mass every week. It’s your opportunity not only to make sure that you are actively hearing the Word of God but also to start connecting with a community that can bolster and support that faith, including fellowship with the leadership figures of your faith, who can be a strong source of support, in themselves.


Be more mindful of your media consumption

This isn’t to make the claim that secular media is, in any way bad, or that even depictions of sin are necessarily going to worsen your moral character if you see them but, many would agree, that you need to at least have balance, to ensure that you’re checking in with your spiritual side, and using the power of media to learn about your faith and beliefs in the way that only modern technology can allow. For instance, as we get into spring, you can watch the best Easter movies to remember what the spirit of the season really is. Media has helped a lot of people deepen their emotional connection with their faith, so you shouldn’t be surprised if it does the same for you, as well.


Live your faith in your deeds

If you want to make sure that you are doing your utmost to live out your faith, then it’s not just about focusing inward. You need to extend it outwards, as well. Not only does this mean participating in church-led events and helping those within your community, but helping those outside of it, as well, through volunteering. Look for volunteering opportunities near you, whether faith-led or not, and find the good that you can start putting into the world. This is one of the most effective ways to make sure that you’re really taking the lessons to heart and living out your faith in a way that reflects better upon the world.


Of course, faith isn’t just something to be talked about, it is something to be lived. Hopefully, the tips above help you give faith the space that it needs in your life so that it can continue to fulfill and enrich you.

Break Free & Flourish: Rediscover Life Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Ever get that feeling where every day feels like a rerun of the day before? Morning coffee, same route to work, same evening shows – lather, rinse, repeat. We all fall into this cycle sometimes. Comfort zones, while cozy, can also feel like invisible chains holding us back from new experiences, opportunities, and genuine excitement. But what if I told you that there’s a whole colorful palette of life waiting just beyond that comfort bubble? Ready for a journey from monotony to marvel?

Via Pexels

Why We Cling To What’s Familiar

Think about it. Everyone has their comfort rituals. Maybe it’s that TV show you binge-watch every weekend (even though you’ve seen it a million times) or that local diner where the waiter knows your order by heart. Familiar is comfy, like a well-worn pair of shoes. It’s predictable and safe. But while there’s nothing wrong with having a comfort spot, it’s good to remember that sometimes the magic happens when you step out of it.

Missing Out While Staying In

Being stuck in a routine can be a real party pooper. For starters, when was the last time you learned something new or surprised yourself? If you’re always in your comfort zone, those moments might be few and far between. Plus, think of all the cool opportunities you might be missing out on. The new cafe around the block, the dance class you’ve always wanted to try, or even making new friends. Who wants to look back and wonder about all the adventures they never had?

Shaking Things Up In Your Job

Now, here’s a thought. Ever considered giving your career a little jolt of excitement? For instance, ever heard of a travel nurse? They don’t just stick to one spot. Instead, they’re off jet-setting from one location to another, helping patients and soaking up new experiences along the way.

It’s not just about the job, it’s about the journey. And even if hopping around various states isn’t quite your jam, the main idea here is to consider ways you might be able to infuse a little excitement into your everyday 9 to 5.

Easy Ways To Step Out

Start With Baby Steps: 

Change can be daunting, no doubt. But who said it needs to be a giant leap? Start small. Maybe instead of your usual latte, try a cappuccino. Or take a different walking path during your evening stroll. Small changes might seem insignificant, but they can lead to bigger, more exciting shifts down the road.

Get The Lowdown: 

The unknown can be intimidating, primarily because, well, it’s unknown. But a quick Google search or a chat with someone in the know can turn the unfamiliar into something approachable. So if there’s something you’ve been curious about, do a little homework. Getting informed can turn those nerves into excitement.

Find Your Tribe: 

There are people out there who thrive on trying new things. Find them. Hang out with them. Let their enthusiasm rub off on you. Whether it’s joining a new club or just following some inspiring individuals on social media, surrounding yourself with go-getters can give you that little nudge you need.

Shift Your Perspective: 

Challenges? They can be downright scary. But what if you started seeing them as opportunities waiting to be grabbed? Sometimes, a tiny shift in how you look at things can turn a mountain into a molehill.

Celebrate Your Brave Moments: 

Every time you try something new, take a moment to appreciate yourself. It doesn’t matter if it went perfectly or had a few hiccups. The point is, you stepped out, and that’s worth a toast.

The Cool Stuff Waiting Outside

Discovering A New You: 

Imagine all the new things you can learn, the new experiences you can gather, and the stories you can tell. Every time you step out of your routine, there’s a chance to discover a side of you that you never knew existed.

Toughening Up (In A Good Way!): 

Life’s challenges are like a gym for your soul. The more you face them, the stronger and braver you become. Over time, things that once seemed daunting will feel like a breeze.

Meeting All Kinds Of Cool People: 

New places and experiences introduce you to all sorts of amazing folks. These are people who can introduce you to even more new things, teach you, inspire you, and who knows, some might even become lifelong friends.

Wrapping Up

Comfort zones, they’re like those old sweatpants you wear on a lazy Sunday. Super comfy, and familiar, but maybe not the best choice for every occasion, right? Stepping outside of that routine isn’t just about seeking thrill for thrill’s sake. It’s about growth, discovery, and filling your life’s album with diverse memories. It’s time to stretch, explore, and sprinkle a little unpredictability into your routine. Adventure, learning, and a refreshed zing for life are just around the corner. So, are you ready to unlatch that comfort cage and soar?

Rival HBCUs Compete to Increase Blood Donations Ahead of 83rd Annual Magic City Classic #MCC23

The Alabama A&M University Bulldogs and Alabama State University Hornets are teaming up with the American Red Cross and kicking off their historic rivalry to see who can recruit the most blood donors during the sixth annual Magic City Classic Blood Drive, Oct. 23-24 at Alabama A&M in Huntsville, AL, and Oct. 24-25 at Alabama State in Montgomery, AL. All presenting donors will receive one free ticket to the Magic City Classic football game, and a commemorative T-shirt, while supplies last.

This epic battle takes place days before the two rival football teams clash on the gridiron for the 83rd annual Magic City Classic football game on Saturday, Oct. 28 at Legion Field in Birmingham, AL, where the blood drive winner will be announced. Bragging rights are at stake for the school with the most blood donations collected.

Last year, Alabama State earned major bragging rights after collecting nearly 185 lifesaving blood donations and winning both the Magic City Classic Blood Drive and Magic City Classic football game. This year, it’s anyone’s game.

Since its inception in 2017, the Magic City Classic Blood Drive has collected nearly 700 units of lifesaving blood for patients. (A blood drive was not held in October 2020 due to COVID restrictions on on-campus activities and events.)  Yet, the philanthropic legacies of promoting blood donation at Alabama A&M and Alabama State began years before the first Magic City Classic Blood Drive.

“HBCUs have long served as incubators of excellence, with a culture of school spirit and healthy competition that makes positive impacts in our communities,” said Dr. Yvette Miller, executive medical officer for the American Red Cross. “Blood drives like the Magic City Classic encourage a collaborative spirit that serve students in their collegiate and future professional endeavors, while also serving a patient population that depends on chronic blood transfusions today.”

Four students enrolled in the Red Cross HBCU Ambassador Leadership Program, sponsored by Delta Airlines, are also helping to add a little “magic” to the rivalry blood drives. Alexis Powell, a junior at Alabama A&M majoring in Biology (pre-med), Taniya Rainge, a senior at Alabama A&M double majoring in Biology and Computer Science, Alvin Jacobs, a junior at Alabama State majoring in Finance and Karsten Threatt, a senior linebacker on the Alabama State football team, majoring in physical education – are all helping their campuses gear up for the two-day competition by encouraging their peers, faculty, staff and local community to schedule an appointment to give blood in support of patients with sickle cell disease.

Quotes from HBCU Ambassadors at each school:

  • “I wish people knew the pain that patients with sickle cell disease have to endure every single day, and that one blood donation can help save their lives,” said Karsten Threat. “Many say they’re afraid of needles but for a patient with sickle cell who suffers with pain every day, a quick pinch is worth it.”

  • “Knowing that I can do my part to raise more awareness about the importance of blood donation is what compelled me to become a Red Cross HBCU Ambassador,” said Alexis Powell, a fifth-generation Alabama A&M student from Birmingham who spent much of her childhood visiting the campus. “I think some students are afraid to give blood because they are not familiar with the cause. I wish more people knew that one blood donation can help save up to three lives…and make someone’s life a little easier.”

To schedule an appointment to give at the Magic City Classic Blood Drive, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Alabama A&M University: 

October 23 – 24, 2023

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

4900 Meridian ST. N.

Huntsville, AL 35811

Alabama State University: 

October 24-25, 2023

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

915 Jackson ST.

Montgomery, AL 36104

How To Find Your Ideal Type of Music

Music is something that many people find to be an incredibly important part of their lives. It’s something that makes them happy (even boosting their mood when they’re feeling down), it can help relax them, and it’s even something that can help with creativity or exercise. It’s motivating and, above all, it’s fun. 

Yet there are so many different styles of music in the world that it can be hard to work out what’s going to make you happiest and what’s going to be the most fun. Although it’s fine to like lots of different styles of music (and many people do), if you can work out what your favorite is – the ideal style for you – then you’ll always know precisely what to listen to when you need a boost. With that in mind, read on to find out more about how to find your ideal type of music. 

Photo by cottonbro studio

Think About Yourself 

One way to find your ideal type of music is to think about yourself and engage in some self-reflection. When you think about your particular personality, your emotions, and what you just like in general, you might be able to narrow down your music choices and listen to the things that really speak to you and mean a lot, rather than things that don’t do a lot to or for you, even if they’re pleasant enough to hear. Perhaps you’re an extroverted persona who’s energetic and loves dancing. In that case, you might like a different style of music compared with someone who is more introverted and likes to listen to music rather than move to it. 

When you understand more about how music makes you feel, and you know more about yourself, you’ll be able to match these two things up so that the music you listen to helps to give you the peace, happiness, and solace you’re looking for. 

Try Different Genres

Just because you’ve always listened to one particular type of music, that doesn’t mean it’s the one that’s going to be best for you. It can almost become a habit when you turn on the radio or download a song to ensure it’s in the genre that everything else in your collection is in.  

But what if you changed that? What if you decided that you would try an entirely different genre instead? You could search for the best music torrenting sites and find all kinds of new styles of music there with easy access. Pick one to begin with that you’ve never listened to before, and see what you can find. Not only will this be fun, but it will teach you a lot about music in general too. Of course, you might find that your old favourite genre is actually best, but equally, you might find something you like better that you would never have tried before if you didn’t specifically go exploring. 

Learn About Music History 

Understanding the origins of certain types of music and how that style has changed and evolved over the years can be fascinating, and it’s a great way to find new genres that might appeal to you. You can research the genres that you listen to most and then start to think about other types of music – you might even find they’re all linked in some way to help you determine what to look into next. Gaining this knowledge won’t just give you more appreciation for the music itself, but it will give you a good amount of insight into the emotions and themes you’ll find in the music too, and that can really mean a lot. 

Take classical music, for example. That has a long history that dates back many centuries, and there are some massively influential composers involved, like Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach, for example. Or what about jazz? Jazz has roots in African American history, and again, it goes back a long way, giving you a chance to understand more about all kinds of history from around the world and in various time periods. 

Go To Live Performances 

There’s something really special about live performances that can elevate any piece of music into something wonderful. That’s why it’s a good idea to go to as many concerts, musicals, and other events as you can. Not only will you hear the music, but you’ll see it performed, and that can give you a lot of information about how the piece has been created, and if the performer is putting energy and emotion into the song, it’s even better, and will stay with you for a long time. 

Try to see live events that encompass lots of genres, and go to small local gigs as well as big arena-based ones. You’ll be able to immerse yourself in the music, connect with the rest of the audience, and you might find a new style of music to love.

Getting Serious About Your Daily Workout

It may not take long before you want to elevate your daily workout for strength, endurance, and satisfaction. Taking it to another level isn’t as easy as just working harder. Other factors, such as finding the right gear and even changing your diet, come into play. Here are some tips.

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Learn to Warm Up Properly

One of the most overlooked parts of exercise by beginners is skipping the warm-up or not doing it right. And this is the most common cause of sprains and other injuries. A good warm-up should last for around 10 minutes and includes jogging on the spot, stretches, and gentle exercise to get the blood flowing. Professionals at gyms like Fitness 19 can show you how to do this correctly and will always welcome the chance to educate you about warming up properly.

Invest in Good Quality Gear

If you don’t use good quality gear such as trainers, sportswear, and accessories, you risk injury. On the lower end, you will just end up paying more when you have to constantly replace the cheap items that wear out quickly. You should always invest in breathable materials for tops, bottoms, and trainers. And buy the best you can afford. You should always feel light and comfortable but also protected. It also helps to buy multiple items to help with laundry.

Use Music in Your Daily Workout

It is very common for people who exercise a lot to listen to music when doing it. Music can help set the tempo for your workout. Meaning you can work to a beat and get good results at the same time. But having your own playlist also means you get to enjoy the music you really like at the same time as exercising. This can help lower your anxiety about exercises and set your mind in the right mood. It helps to invest in quality earphones that won’t fall off when moving.

Take Your Diet Seriously

You may not realize your diet needs to change dramatically to get the best out of working out. What you eat can help or hinder your performance in the gym, and staying away from carbs is a mistake some people make. Carbs give you energy and provide it in short bursts for improved athleticism. Of course, you also need to eat more protein from various meats and vegetables to aid in performance, but mainly for muscle regeneration. And avoid “energy” drinks at all costs.

Supplement Your Intake

Even when you eat right, you may not get all you need for the best workout. Vitamin and mineral supplements are excellent for topping up anything you may lack and can boost your workout in the right combinations. Vitamin B compounds, zinc, and magnesium are excellent for overall health and performance. But of course, these cannot make up for a poor diet. And try to limit vitamin drinks and foods that come with extra sugars, caffeine, and other harmful substances. 


Your daily workout can become much more effective with some small changes. You must learn to warm up correctly, work to your favorite music, and boost vitamin intake with supplements.

Tips for Hosting Guests At Your Home

As soon as you move into your own home you will start hosting guests. Hosting is great fun, it gives you a chance to show off the place that you live as well as socialize and enjoy spending time with your loved ones. There are so many different ways to host a guest, you can have them over for a movie night, a games night, to try out new recipes (if you want to try something new here is a quiche recipe anyone can make or so simple catch-up and hear how they have been.

Photo by fauxels: 

When hosting guests at your home, there are plenty of things to think about – making sure your house is tidy, ensuring it smells nice, having plenty of drinks available, and so on. To help you with the next time you host, here are some of our top tips. 

Give yourself plenty of time to tidy 

Everyone is conscious of how their house looks, especially when they have guests over. When you know you are going to be hosting someone, give yourself plenty of time to spring clean and tidy. Depending on what you are planning, the last thing you want to do is be stressed and have to urgently clean, tidy as well as cook. 

Your house smell says a lot 

Just like the shoes you wear when you meet someone, the smell of your house says a lot about you. On top of giving yourself plenty of time to tidy, make a conscious effort to remove any bad odors in your home. Room sprays are a great way to add a luxurious smell to your home and so to are diffusers and candles. Depending on your budget, you can buy affordable ones as well as more expensive ones. 

Have plenty of drinks available 

You don’t want your guests to be thirsty when you are hosting them. A day or two before they arrive, do an online order and select plenty of drink options that they can enjoy when round. Ensure you have alcoholic drinks as well as non-alcoholic drinks available in case someone isn’t drinking that day. If you have the time, mocktails are a great way to treat guests as well as impress them. With a quick Google, you’ll find a whole plethora of recipes to try out – some simple, some more complex. Instagram is a great place to investigate. 

Put your guests’ needs first 

Remember when hosting, your guests come first. Before they arrive, have a conversation with them about anything they may require – dietary requirements, drink tastes, dessert options, etc. You want to leave them impressed when they leave and the best way to do this is for them to leave impressed. 

We hope these tips give you some inspiration when hosting guests at your home. What tips do you have for hosting guests at your home? Which of the tips above did you find most useful? Is there anything you think we should add to the list? Please let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you. 

Reality Star Destiny Payton Selected As Newest Ambassador for Atlanta Fibroid Center 

According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 80% of women will have uterine fibroids before reaching the age of 50, with an even larger percentage in African American women. Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) pioneer Dr. John Lipman, MD, FSIR, is continuing to lead the charge in educating women about non-surgical treatment options for fibroids by signing Serial Entrepreneur, Singer, and Love and Marriage: Huntsville cast member Destiny Payton as an ambassador for the Atlanta Fibroid Center. As an ambassador, Destiny will publicly speak regarding her personal journey with fibroids and increase the awareness of nonsurgical treatment options like UFE. Dr. Lipman and Destiny initially met in 2022 while attending Cynthia Bailey’s4th Annual Fibroid Awareness Brunch, where Destiny became inspired to speak transparently on her personal struggle with fibroids and infertility. Cynthia Bailey found her fibroid relief with UFE with Dr. Lipman which was chronicled on Season 6 of Real Housewives of Atlanta.

“I’m so excited about this journey. I’ve been speaking with so many women who are in need of this information.” – Destiny Payton

Destiny is one of many African American women who suffered from uterine fibroids and was told by a previous doctor that a hysterectomy was her best option for treatment. Destiny understood that hysterectomy was a permanent solution, but losing her uterus was too big a price to pay; even if she didn’t have a child. Fortunately, she held out and was blessed with a son (who’s now 2 years old). “The doctor told me a hysterectomy was my best treatment option, and I just did not believe that. It felt like a fear tactic”, says Destiny.

“Numerous studies have shown that most women suffering with uterine fibroids will be given only the surgical options and not told about UFE”, says Dr. Lipman. “The uterus provides many other important functions outside of childbearing. Women should not have to lose their uterus in order to successfully treat a benign condition (fibroids). Women are entitled to know all of their options and not just the surgical ones.” Dr. Lipman speaks from over 30 years of experience, as the Founder and Medical Director of the Atlanta Fibroid Center, a state-of-the-art medical facility specializing in the non-surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. To date, Dr. Lipman has performed close to 10,000 uterine fibroid embolization procedures (UFEs), making him the world’s most experienced UFE physician. With Destiny on board, it is hoped that awareness for the UFE procedure and its accessibility will be enhanced greatly.

Dr. Lipman and Destiny have created ‘Dear Destiny’, a weekly Instagram livestream where they will connect and answer questions regarding uterine fibroids and procedures available to treat them. The livestreams will premiere in Summer 2023. Additionally, Destiny is offering a giveaway for a livestream participant to receive a free consultation by Dr. Lipman at the Atlanta Fibroid Center. “Our goal is to specifically target women who do not have accessibility to medical options outside of having hysterectomies and major surgeries”, says Dr. Lipman. For more information on fibroids, the UFE procedure, and updates, visit the official Atlanta Fibroid Center website at,and by following Dr. John Lipman on Instagram @dr_lipman.

All media inquiries should be directed to

5 Essential Self-Care Practices to Thrive in Your 40s

As we age, it is important to prioritize our physical and mental well-being. Self-care in our 40s is essential for leading a healthy and balanced life. Taking the time to practice self-care can have many benefits, such as improved physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. It can also help reduce stress levels, improve relationships with others, and increase productivity. By taking the time to focus on ourselves in our 40s, we can ensure that we are living our best lives for years to come.

1. Eat Healthy Foods for Optimal Health

Eating healthy is essential for optimal health, especially in your 40s. As you age, the body’s nutritional needs change and it is important to ensure that you get the right balance of nutrients from your diet. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats will help to maintain energy levels and keep your body functioning at its best. Here are some tips for making smart, healthy choices:

– Strive for variety in your diet, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

– Make sure that you are also getting more than the recommended minimum daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables.

– Don’t rely on protein to make up most of your diet; it’s better to eat more whole grains high in fiber.

– Aim for at least half the amount of whole-grain food that you eat each day.

A good rule of thumb is to try and eat something made from whole grain every 3 or 4 hours during the day.

2. Create a Personalized Exercise Plan that Works Best For You

It’s never too late to start a fitness routine, especially if you’re over forty. With the right exercises and plan, you can become more physically fit and improve your overall health. But what are the best exercises for busy adults over forty? You do not have to slug it out in the gym every single day.

Make sure that whatever activity you choose, you get at least 20-40 minutes of exercising. Make it a routine and a habit in order to ensure that it helps you achieve your fitness goals. You can try activities such as swimming, biking, yoga, running, or even hiking. All of these will also help you get out in nature.

3. Get Quality Sleep Every Night

Quality sleep is essential for adults over forty to stay healthy and energized. Not getting enough sleep can lead to serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. It also affects our mental health, causing us to feel anxious and depressed. To get quality sleep every night, it’s important for adults over forty to follow certain sleeping habits and tips that will help them get better rest each night.

Do not use any electronics at least one hour prior to when you are supposed to sleep. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and not for other activities such as work and eating food. Try to establish a bedtime routine that consists of taking a shower, doing some skincare, and reading a book in order to get in bed.

4. Get Checked Regularly

As we age, our health can start to decline. That’s why it’s so important to get regular checkups in your 40s and beyond. Getting checked regularly is key for identifying any potential health issues before they become serious and can help you stay healthy and active as you get older.

A woman’s risk for breast cancer increases with age, which is why they should get checked every 6 months.

As for men, testosterone replacement therapy and aging are directly related since testosterone levels in men decline with age. Low testosterone can lead to fatigue, depression, weight gain, and decreased libido. By getting regular checkups, you can make sure that your testosterone levels are within normal range and take action if they are not. Regular checkups also help identify other medical conditions that may be causing symptoms similar to low testosterone levels.

5. Take Time to Relax and Recharge

For adults over forty, taking the time to relax and recharge is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As we age, our bodies and minds are more prone to stress, which can lead to physical and mental health issues. To combat this, it’s important to take the time to de-stress and unwind after a stressful day. Try to take out time for yourself that is away from work and personal commitments. Strive to give yourself a break at least once a week so that you do not burn out. Try to develop some hobbies that make you happy and keep you busy.

It is important to take good care of yourself in your 40s so that you age well. Use this list to help you figure out the areas you have been lacking in to help you improve your quality of life.

Le Diner en Blanc Birmingham 2022: The City’s Elegant All-White Picnic

Elegance was the word used to describe Le Diner en Blanc Birmingham 2022.  On September 17th, the magic city was engulfed with several surprises during this exclusive event!


Table Leaders were amazed to arrive with their assigned group at Railroad Park.  For those that don’t know, Railroad Park is located in the heart of downtown Birmingham.  It was the PERFECT location for the elegant, all-white picnic!

Additionally, guests came together underneath the stars and gathered to live music, a 360 photo booth, and an adult moon bounce.  The best surprise was the giant hot air balloon that even captured the attention of the local news station, asking, “What is happening in the city tonight?”

Le Diner En Blanc Birmingham was hosted by the event management company, Destination Birmingham, owned by Jasmine and Lynda Allen.  The dynamic team not only coordinated the entire event but manages a group of dedicated volunteers!

La Conclusion

Above all, Le Diner En Blanc Birmingham was a successful and enchanting evening for those in Alabama.

Le Dîner en Blanc Birmingham

Photo Credit: Le Dîner en Blanc


Le Diner en Blanc Pro-Tip (s)!

  • Register with an email account that receives messages.
  • Guests should arrive in comfortable shoes and change for photos.
  • Try not to overcomplicate the packing process; have the DEB essentials.
  • Dress according to the weather in your region.
  • Do not forget to pack your umbrella.
  • Be mindful of the beverage selections but remember that you can bring your own sodas/water.
  • Purchase your cart, chairs, wagon, and table three weeks prior to the event.
  • Do not wear off-white; this is an all-white affair.
Diner en Blanc Traditions Birmingham
Le Dîner en Blanc is an elegant large-scale picnic from Paris

Most importantly, remember that Le Diner en Blanc is what you make of it!  jusqu’à la prochaine fois

If you like this post, click here:  Le Diner en Blanc Birmingham 2021- The Magic City Sparkled #DEBBHAM

Wake Up Your Sleepy Space With These Home Refresh Ideas: Style + Life + Fashion Featured

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:

Whether you’ve outgrown your current decor or your new space doesn’t feel quite like home, it might be time for a refresh. And while there’s no doubt that expanding your art collection or adding new house plants can be a breath of fresh air for your home, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Maybe you've outgrown your current decor, or you’ve just moved into a new house or apartment and it doesn’t feel quite like home yet. Either way, it might be time to refresh your space.
Wake Up Your Sleepy Space With These Home Refresh Ideas

That’s why Redfin reached out to us and other experts from Vancouver, BC all the way to Boston, for our best advice on making your home feel refreshed and elevated. So if you need a little extra guidance or you’re just looking for interior design inspiration, check out our best recommendations for refreshing your home.

Read the full article here: Wake Up Your Sleepy Space With These Home Refresh Ideas | Redfin