SOGAA Presents
A Youth Empowerment Fashion Event
When: Saturday, August 29, 2015
Time: 6 pm – 8 pm
Visit: SOGAA.org for tickets and information
Producers: Jacob Pierce, Ken Moore and Caprese Garrett Jackson, owner of Bonneau Incorporated.
How: Students learning how to produce a fashion show. Baltimore youth ages 15-19 – there will be workshops and shadowing of related areas in the fashion industry.
The Featured Designer Interviews:

Stylehouse Accessories
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? I started working in fashion in 2011 and launched my company in 2013.
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – My collection is very playful and chic, its has many influences from African/Indian cultures as well as inspiration from notorious designer Alexander McQueen.
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? Have a plan, focus, get a mentor, and never give up.
* How can people contact you? www.stylehouseaccessories.com

Siobahn Peay
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? I am an Emerging Designer and starting in May 2016 will be considered my sophomore year in this industry! So far, so good!
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – My collection is ready-to-wear, very fun and vibrant. I love color, and try to incorporate it in my designs. I find my inspiration from everyday life; for example a girl at the mall or local store. I like to create items that women can wear in their everyday lives. Women of all sizes, preferably curvy!
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? I’d like for the youth of Baltimore City to stop waiting for validation, I want them to be their own inspiration! I want them to live life and know how awesome they are.
* How can people contact you? My social media outlets, siobahnpeay/Instagram, siobahnpeay/facebook, siobahnpeay.com or siobahnpeay@yahoo.com

Original Crackage
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? I have been in the fashion industry since October of 2012. I went school at North Carolina Central University in the Fall of 2010 to pursue my degree in fashion. As a student, I starting thinking of ways to start my clothing line; as far as developing a name, concept, theme, ect. By October of 2012, I had everything ready to start selling my clothes on campus and other areas, and in March of 2014 I officially launched my brand website,
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – Original Crackage is a high-end, urban, fashion brand specializing in uniquely exclusive designs which include black&white, stripes, lines, abstract shapes, and hints of color blocking. All the designs are original and come from my imagination which stays consistent to the brands concept/theme. This goes along with the brand message, which is to be you, be original, and embrace whatever it is about yourself that people might not understand. This is the origin of the inspiration for the brand.
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? To be yourself and don’t worry about what the crowd is doing. If you stay true to yourself, you will never have to question who you are. We all have different motives and aspirations. Just stay consistent with whatever you love and go all out. You only live once, and with this one shot would you rather be someone who made something of themselves, or some one who didn’t? Live your life with no regrets!
gamakache Black
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? Since 2000 but I got serious about designing in 2012 I started sewing as a kid by watching my grand mother
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – My designs are based around the color black. I wear this color daily, so I decided to create a collection that centered around black clothing.
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? Stay focus on what you want to achieve because with hard work you will make it. Never take NO for an answer. IG Gamakache_black Facebook Gamakache Black
www.gamakacheBlack.com Twitter and
Khemistry by Trease
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? In my mind, I’ve always had a passion for fashion. However I actually established my line in February 2014. God guided me in the right direction and from there I learned to sew.
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – This current collection is glamorous and for the more risqué chic who doesn’t care what people say and wants to stand out in the crowd. She is confident and sexy. I was inspired by our (upcoming) senior prom girls, seeking to stand out and leave their legacy with younger peers.
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? My advice to our Baltimore City youth today is to take full advantage of free education. These are the years that mold our way of thinking and future.
* How can people contact you? Contact me on instagram @ k_khemistry88 or Facebook trease chemistry. Business line is 443-885-9696.
Yvonne Fields
* How long have you been in the fashion industry and how did you get started? I have been designing since I was in middle school but I officially started my design company in 2013. I started by making clothes for my family and friends.
* Describe your collection and inspiration for your designs – This collection (and other collections) was inspired by everyday women. Those who want to find the perfect outfit to turns heads. They want to transition from work to happy hour. Also, women that love colors in bold print no matter what season it is.
* What is the best piece of advice you can give to Baltimore City youth? You’re never too young to start working towards your dream.
* How can people contact you? Email: Yfandimi@gmail.com | Number: 301.433.1279 | Instagram/facebook: YvonneFieldsDesigns
Interview conducted by Jacob Pierce
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