Tips to Success From Business Superstar Boss in White
Ready to be an entrepreneur on fire like the business superstar Boss in White? She’s got the best business story and advice that will be sure to turn your business into a powerhouse!
Born and raised in Beijing, Dese Enterprise CEO Yang Yang has years of experience globally that has contributed to her long-term success. Always dressed in gorgeous white, Yang Yang began her online empire with humble beginnings on eBay back in 2004 from her love of shoes. While working a second job waitressing, Yang Yang spotted a customer wearing eye-catching white fur boots which she fell instantly in love with. She scoured the web for her own pair, but could only find them wholesale, which meant buying a dozen pairs. Yang Yang’s entrepreneurial inspiration turned on, so she purchased the shoes wholesale, and then put the 11 other pairs on eBay. She sold out in a few days and made more money than at any of her other full-time jobs, and so began her online fashion passion.
What started as a one-woman show has grown into Dese Enterprise, which is comprised of,, and Throughout the growth of her multiple brands, Yang Yang maintains the youthful spirit of when she first ventured into the world of business.
Learn from the Boss in White’s own experience to set yourself up for success:
- Best advice ever received: The best piece of advice Yang Yang received was from her parents when she was young — they told her not to worry about money or how much she was making. If she worked hard, she would be rewarded in the end.
- Creating her brand: When Yang Yang first started her eBay shop, she named it AMI Style to mean “American Made International Style.” At that time, it was a great keyword for American made and for international sales. A few years later, she wanted to create her own line of custom-designed clothes and shoes, yet wanted to stay true to the AMI roots. At that time, there weren’t many sexy clothing websites and her style didn’t match any trending keywords. So, she created her own term “clubwear” and shorten her brand to “AMI Clubwear.” Now 10 years later, if you Google the term, AMI Clubwear is at No. 1 with over 21 million results of competitors now using it.
- Naming her business: Yang Yang chose the name Dese Enterprise because in Beijing “dese” is street slang for amazing, beautiful or unique. Find something unique that resonates with your business and develop it into your own.
- Best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: “Go for it!” You’ll find a million reasons for not starting your own company, but you only need one reason to do it. What inspired Yang Yang was her desire to create a better life for the future family that she wanted one day. For everyone this reason is different, so find yours and go for it!
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