KptnCook App – How To Get Your Kitchen Back-To-School Ready

A new school year can turn even the most organized kitchen into a chaotic mess. Whether you’re off to college, or sending your little one to their first day of school, keeping the kitchen in order can be hectic!
Check out tips from KptnCook App, helping us get our kitchen’s back-to-school ready. Follow these tried and tested back-to-school suggestions for a stress-free start to the semester!
Fresh start
There’s nothing like an untidy pantry to send your cooking motivation into a tailspin. Set some time aside to clear everything out of your cupboards and give the shelves a good wipe down. Throw out anything that is past the use by date, and any products you know won’t be eaten, looking at your pawpaw pretending to be mango. Be unmerciful and make some room!
The essentials
Having all the basics at your fingertips makes meal prep easy as pie – which incidentally, can be a little tricky to make. Ensure you have these essential items in your pantry:
- Olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- Dried herbs and spices including; oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, chili, turmeric and coriander, paprika, allspice, nutmeg, cumin and cinnamon. Don’t forget fresh garlic too
- Flour, and sugar
- Grains such as; pasta, rice, quinoa and buckwheat
- Canned goods including; chickpeas, lentils, white beans, corn, tomatoes, and tuna
Within arm’s reach
Gather all the kitchen utensils and gadgets, and group them into most used and least used. Place your most used items nearest to your cooking area and the least used things further away. This way, for example, your baking tins aren’t getting in the way of the toaster, which you use every morning.
Stock up on kitchen supplies
Make those leftovers more accessible with a selection of different sized clear containers. If you have these at your disposal, you can scoop up any leftovers and have them for lunch the next day. They are also a handy for neatly storing herbs and spices. Bonus tip: if you freeze your leftovers make sure you label what it is and when you put it in the freezer.
Cooking inspiration
Getting dinner cooked and on the table is a key source of stress for Americans, with 33 percent saying that cooking healthy meals is a constant worry*. To reduce stress levels, these blogs are always a good source of inspiration:
- for vegan recipes: Oh She Glows
- for fructose-free recipes: Fructopia
- for paleo recipes: paleOMG
- for breakfast recipes: What Should I Eat For Breakfast Today?
- for quick 30-minute recipes: the KptnCook app
* according to a survey by HuffPo Healthy Living
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