Lifestyle Alert: 8 Back to School Strategies and oNecklace Bead Bracelet

Life has been pretty busy but this is one of my absolute favorite seasons. Fall is filled with pumpkins, football games, and trick or treating.
One aspect that has changed due to COVID-19 is the kids attending school. Every family has made individual choices based on their household. The similarity amongst everyone is the ability to adjust due to the circumstances.
I have implemented a few strategies to keep everyone’s sanity and wanted to share them below.
Back to School/Virtual Learning Strategies:
1. Set-up a digital learning space with individual crates for each child. Crates should be labeled.
2. Create a school binder with all of the teacher information and print schedules.
3. Know the log-in information for each child.
4. Create a daily schedule and put it on a whiteboard.
5. Put snacks in a basket for individual grabbing.
6. Create a lunch schedule according to in-school lunches.
7. Have a Chromebook/computer tutorial with each child to foster independence.
8. Set alarms in a child’s cellphone for them to join Google Meets.
If there’s no homework, kids can do afternoon art projects or go outside!
Also, don’t forget that companies like Target, Publix, and Amazon are offering delivery services for various products!
oNecklace Circle Initial Bead Bracelet:
I adore a beautiful bracelet. It’s a simple touch of sparkle that can pull an entire outfit together!
oNecklace shipped an Initial Bead Bracelet that was perfect for my current jewelry collection. The company allowed me to personalize this particular piece and of course, I added the letter K.
This bracelet is high-quality and coordinated well with my cardigan, camisole, and high waisted jeans.

Just like the style bloggers would say, “The bracelet is stackable.” That means combining several bracelets of varying styles for one accessorized look.

Visit oNecklace to purchase a one-of-a-kind, personalized bracelet. It’s the perfect gift idea as we celebrate the holiday season!
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