ShoeDazzle VIP Membership and Shopping Experience

I finally became a VIP member of the ShoeDazzle brand. We’ve all seen the catchy commercials and noticed their cute shoes.
After reviewing their online look book for this site, I decided to give their membership a try.
The process was very simple for joining the site. I selected a group of shoes according to my taste and based upon the selection my showroom came up.
Once you’re officially in the site, there’s an assortment of shoes to select for purchase. Boots, flats, pumps, and accessories everything on this site is hip but yet there’s a variety for anyone who’s looking to update their shoe wardrobe.
Personally, that’s my reason for becoming a member because with such a hectic schedule I don’t always have the time to shop for shoes.
When I purchased my Love Pumps and Nichole Booties the shoes arrived very quick and lived up to the quality that I expected.
Honestly, I am an active shopper (now) on their site and I suggest anyone who’s looking to have a stylish pair of shoes to try becoming a member of “the world’s premier shoe society.”