Wear What You Want | Dryel At-Home Cleaner and Product Review

Most women love to shop and buy delicate items.  The problem is that certain clothing pieces are created with intricate fibers.

There’s nothing worse than purchasing a linen blazer and it’s ruined due to inappropriate care.

Let’s not forget the over priced dry-cleaning bill and time constraint when dropping-off your favorite items.

Constant dry-cleaning has several nasty side effects such as damage to the buttons or seams.  Lastly, if you have sensitive skin, remember that chemicals are used at the cleaners.

Fabric Care: Dry-Clean or Hand Wash

Dryel eliminates the time, effort, and freedom for clothing purchases.  Fashionistas can wear skirts or slacks without the terrifying idea of harming the garment.  Visit Dryel.com to learn more and see new product launches!  Don’t forget to travel this summer with your Stain Removal Pen.

If you haven’t heard of Dryel, remember it’s easy to use:

  • Pre-treat stains with Dryel Booster Spray
  • Toss in the dryer for 15 or 30 minutes
  • Place on a hanger to remove wrinkles
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Fashion Tips with Dryel At-Home Dry Cleaner

Dry cleaning your wardrobe can be costly!  We love to wear cashmere sweaters, wool coats, and boucle’ slacks but the care for such garments are expensive.  One can purchase these items on sale but must calculate the price of dry cleaning in their shopping budget.

As a Style Expert, I always share that fashion girls (and guys) must properly care for their clothing to maintain a stylish wardrobe.  It’s more than dressing fabulous and owning several pieces.  In this day and time, we have to take our budget into consideration and be realistic about our clothing expenses.

On-set for The Scandal Shopping Series
Hanging out with the clothing rack

Truthfully, I also like to mix and match my own clothing.  It’s a personal preference for several good reasons. Number one, I am obsessed with closet organization. Number two, I like to come up with various ways that I can style one item. Number three, I’m a mom and my shopping list consists of additional household products.

Love my Velvet Hangers

I was excited to be selected as a Brand Ambassador for Dryel At-Home Dry-Cleaner. Over the course of the year, I will share product reviews and cleaning tips! As a reader, you will also have the opportunity to follow my journey via Twitter Chats, Pinterest Boards, and so much more.  Let’s get ready to learn more about the special care of our clothing with the help of Dryel.

Dryel Starter Kit


disclosure: I’m a compensated Dryel Ambassador – all opinions are my own.