Colgate Total Regimen and Dental Hygiene: Product Review #ColgateSmile
Your smile is the best accessory that you will ever have! Due to this reason alone, it’s vitality important that you take care of your teeth and gums.
Use a product that creates a clean mouth and sparkling smile.
Colgate is a brand that’s stood the test of time in terms of preventing tooth decay and good dental health.
I had the opportunity to review their latest product line and received amazing results! The Advanced Powered Toothbrush has a dual action head for individual tooth reach.
For daily dental repair, the Total Advanced Toothpaste and Mouthwash left my mouth feeling fresh.
All of my dental hygiene products must remove surface stains because I drink coffee and eat foods that leave a residue.
Early Morning Routine:
Wake Up
Floss & Brush Teeth
Drink a Cup of Coffee
Make Breakfast and Lunch
Take Kids to School
Additional preventative benefits from using Colgate include:
- Cavities
- Gingivitis
- Plaque
- Bad Breath
Purchase Colgate products to create a beautiful smile and start a good dental hygiene regimen.
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