Colgate Total Regimen and Dental Hygiene: Product Review #ColgateSmile

Your smile is the best accessory that you will ever have! Due to this reason alone, it’s vitality important that you take care of your teeth and gums.

Use a product that creates a clean mouth and sparkling smile.

Colgate is a brand that’s stood the test of time in terms of preventing tooth decay and good dental health.

I had the opportunity to review their latest product line and received amazing results! The Advanced Powered Toothbrush has a dual action head for individual tooth reach.

For daily dental repair, the Total Advanced Toothpaste and Mouthwash left my mouth feeling fresh.

All of my dental hygiene products must remove surface stains because I drink coffee and eat foods that leave a residue.

Early Morning Routine: 

Wake Up

Floss & Brush Teeth

Drink a Cup of Coffee

Make Breakfast and Lunch

Take Kids to School

Additional preventative benefits from using Colgate include:

  • Cavities
  • Gingivitis
  • Plaque
  • Bad Breath

Purchase Colgate products to create a beautiful smile and start a good dental hygiene regimen.

Dr. Natalie Strand Gives Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health

Dr. Natalie Strand’s (winner of TheAmazing Race and contributor on The Doctors) tips for spring cleaning your health with your readers, because spring cleaning isn’t only for homes:

• Get A Spring Tune-Up
• Make Exercise Fun
• Spruce Up Your Mouth Health
• Get Seasonal
• Relax, Don’t Just Rest


Spring Clean Your Health Tips with Colgate Total

Colgate Total

Dr. Natalie Strand’s Tips: 

1. Relax, Don’t Just Rest – Stress is a huge contributor to poor health, but many people don’t know how to manage it. People often mistake resting for relaxing, but it’s not the same. Learn some stress reducing techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation.
2. Get Seasonal – Check out your local farmer’s market. Buy seasonal foods and try to incorporate them in your meals every day. Seasonal produce is more flavorful and densely packed with nutrients.
3. Make Exercise Fun – Spring is the perfect time of year to combine exercise with social activities. Be creative to get endorphins pumping and think of things to do with friends such as taking a salsa class, archery lessons, or an evening walk around the neighborhood.
4. Get A Spring Tune-up – Doctor’s appointments are important, but often pushed to the wayside. Make a list and schedule all your appointments at once: yearly check-ups, dental exams and cleanings, eye exams, etc.
5. Spruce Up Your Mouth Health – You’re already brushing your teeth twice a day so take the chance to switch to using oral care products that do more than just protect, but can actually help improve the health of your mouth. Using the Colgate Total® regimen is proven to eliminate fifteen times more bacteria and improve mouth health in two weeks. It’s a simple change with a powerful impact.

Dr. Natalie Strand


Dr. Natalie Strand (winner of The Amazing Race and contributor on The Doctors)

Dr. Natalie Strand, is the director of integrative medicine at Freedom Pain Hospital. She has worked closely with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, The American Diabetes Association, and dLife to promote exercise and healthy living among people living with diabetes. She has appeared on CNN/HLN, The Early Show, The Doctors, EXTRA!, The Rachel Ray Show, CNBC, and CBS.