Forever 21’s Fall Fashion Vibes

Sharing our latest and greatest obsession– Forever 21’s Fall Fashion Vibes. This collection features all-things-fall including flannel jackets, cozy sweaters, suede boots, + more!

Forever 21 Fall Fashion Essentials:

Color Blocking: The Guidelines

Color Blocking is the latest trend for Spring/Summer 2012.  Ladies everywhere are mixing and matching their favorite shades to create a chic look.

But color can affect you in a variety of ways.  For example, color can change your mood, style, and even your complexion!

And although we are eager to partake in the latest trend, there are certain guidelines that we should follow for selecting colors.  Most importantly, your selection of color will largely depend on your body shape and personality.


*  Choose a neutral or basic color that could be worn often (black, beige, navy blue.)

*  Light and bright colors are great to play up your best features.  Example, a yellow blouse can be worn to accentuate bronzed skin.

* Any color can be worn with black!

*  Use a color wheel to help figure what shades are monochromatic and complimentary.

*  If you want to look tall and slimmer wear a contrast of one color; to appear heavier in one area wear bold, bright colors.

*  Remember, colors provoke feelings.  For example, red represents power while blue is calming.

Also, don’t just color block with your clothing but it can also be done with your make up/cosmetics.  How many times have we seen a great manicure with a variety of fun hues?

Ultimately, color blocking is the mixing of colors within the same family but with the right touch anyone can look like a star!