Nitika Chopra Shares Natural Remedies for Winter Skin and Hair

Harsh winter weather and freezing temperatures require a little extra care in your beauty routine. You can make a big impact with just a few simple ingredients. Nitika Chopra, host of “Naturally Beautiful” on  Z Living TV network has broken down the basics to keep your skin baby-soft and your hair moisturized all winter long.

Nitika Chopra

1. Coconut Oil – Once a week in the winter, treat your hair to a coconut oil hair mask. Just before bed, apply organic coconut oil to your scalp and the ends of your hair with a cotton ball. Wrap your head in a towel, cover with a shower cap, and leave it in overnight. It keeps your hair super healthy and makes it soft and shiny. The next morning, rinse it out with just a little bit of shampoo (no conditioner necessary!). Use less coconut oil for thinner hair.

2. Rose Water – Your beauty routine should be a sensory experience. I live in New York City, so I love to feel peaceful, relaxed and calm. One of my favorite ingredients is all-natural rose water. You can use it as a toner just after cleansing. It’s perfect in the winter because it fights inflammation and takes away redness and puffiness.

3. Avocado – Avocado is really your best friend. The fruit is rich in Vitamins B, C, E and K. Mash up an avocado and use it plain as a face mask. It helps skin retain moisture, which is great for fighting wrinkles. Eating avocado, especially in the winter when we can have vitamin deficiencies, is also great. During colder months, it’s natural for us to crave creamier comfort foods, and avocado has the perfect consistency.

4. Sugar – I’m also a huge fan of sugar scrubs because they are so luxurious and easy to make. Take brown sugar and your favorite oil (olive is a good option) and add an essential oil for natural fragrance. Lavender is soothing, while peppermint is more energizing. Pick the one that fits your mood!

5. DIY Spa – Just remember to test a small amount of any DIY spa recipe on the inside of your wrist before you use it on your face or body.

Nitika Chopra, a certified life coach, is the Founding Editor-In-Chief of on-line lifestyle magazine and a life-style contributor to the Huffington Post. Nitika’s unique point of view stems from the challenges she faced growing up in a traditional Indian home, without a traditional Indian cultural bone in her body, all while battling a debilitating skin condition that covered her body from head-to-toe for years. To overcome several low points in her life, she found a spiritual voice within her and became passionate about the power in small steps and infusing every day activities with spirit and possibility, regardless of one’s faith. Nitika uses this positive outlook to help people realize their own inner beauty and shares them with thousands of people who subscribe to her magazine. In 2011, Nitika was invited to speak about healing one’s authentic soul wound at the prestigious REVEAL conference hosted by Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Foundation. She is extremely active with her on-line community of thousands sharing her life-experiences with them in order to aid young women in their difficult life challenges and help transform them from hopeless to hopeful. Nitika is host of the show “Naturally Beautiful” on Z Living TV. Growing up, Nitika battled debilitating health problems that made it difficult for her to walk with ease for many years. This challenge, among others, fueled her passion for helping individuals and has made her an empathetic resource.

Natural Hair Journey: Motions Hair Care Products


Revlon Eyelashes

I am super excited to share this photo from my natural hair journey. Last Spring, Motions Hair Care Products shipped a variety of products to my doorstep for a blogger promotion.  During that time, I was suffering from hair breakage and wore several protective styles. In between wearing protective styles, I maintained my tresses with conditioners, trims, and hot steaming.

Motions (1)

Anyone who’s a naturalista will confess that you anticipate your hair growing after the big chop. To others, the big chop can be dramatic but I wanted to start with a fresh mane of hair.

In this photo, I am wearing one of my favorite hairstyles (the twist out) which is a simple style that locks in moisture. I also like to wear a variety of hair accessories and deep conditioning treatments in the winter months.

I’ve always been a fan of natural hair and looking forward to continuing this journey.  Ladies, share with me a few of your tips and favorite products? Email me at or post below.

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Christmas Outfit Ideas: Look Ho-Ho-Hot!

With Christmas so close that we can almost smell the turkey, it makes sense to start planning your outfits in advance. This way, you’ll have one less thing to stress about when important events roll around. Christmas eve, Christmas day, and boxing day and the 3 most important days for fashion during the festive season. You’ll probably have a work party to go to too, so you need a few different outfits to pull out of your wardrobe when the time comes. Use some of these Christmas outfit ideas to help you decide what to wear:

The Christmas Work’s Do

For the Christmas work’s do, you probably need something sparkly to get everybody in the Christmas spirit. However, it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re having a full on party, you can afford to dress in a sequined cocktail dress and heels; go all out with your outfit! If you’re going for a meal and a casual drink, you’ll want to dress down a little. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make an effort though! Try wearing a shimmer top and a more understated skirt, with shoes of your choice. Brogues are great, as they are still going out shoes but they won’t kill your feet. Perfect for a more casual affair!


Christmas Eve

Most people go out for a couple of drinks Christmas eve. This is probably because Santa will soon make an experience so this is the only way they can sleep from the excitement (or is that just me?). Either way, you have a few choices for your Christmas eve outfit. If Christmas eve is going to be a big night out, then I recommend either wearing a nice dress or a nice top with fitted trousers. Pop on a pair of your best heels to elongate your legs, and maybe even a red lipstick. If you’re not going ‘out out’, then why not wear a cute Christmas jumper with a pair of your best jeans or leggings? Everyone needs a Christmas jumper in their winter wardrobe!


Christmas Day

The day we’ve all been waiting for! It’s always nice to dress up a little on Christmas day. I like to wear my Christmas jumper for the year tucked into a nice skater skirt, with a pair of tights and some flat dolly shoes. This way, I’m still comfortable but I look like I’ve made an effort. Boots are a good choice too, as it’s always cold outside on this day. Download an app like JustFab for boot inspiration. You could even accessorize your hair with a flower crown.


Boxing Day

Boxing day is a day when most of us relax and take it easy. You’ve probably had a new pair of pyjamas for Christmas, so why not just wear those all day while you work your way through the Christmas chocolate?

Unless you’re going to a family member’s house, in which case I think a nice top and some jeans would do. If you want to make things more interesting, mix texture and pattern to create a funky look. Also, try a new scarf in a classic design for style and warmth.  Maybe even wear something new if you’ve had it for Christmas!

here’s a knit scarf I like:  knit scarf nero

Solange Knowles and Alan Ferguson Wedding Photos

There’s something to be said when you dare to be different. Today, Solange Knowles married her long time sweetheart Alan Ferguson. Based upon the photos below, she chose a modern, minimalistic style which has inspired “creative spirits” everywhere.


The most unique element about the wedding was the entire wedding party wearing all white. Solange has always been known for her artistic style with beautiful natural hair and her fashionable photos.  And we can’t get enough of her white pantsuit.

What an inspirational non-traditional way to say your vows. And that my dears is how you “break the internet!”



Three Beauty Rituals You Should Continue Year Round

Let’s face it, now that the motivation of tiny bikinis and warm summer afternoons has passed, our normal beauty routine tends fall behind. However, regardless if you’re hitting the slopes or in hibernation mode this winter, it’s crucial you keep up with a few beauty rituals regularly. Below are three beauty rituals our industry pros say you should be continuing ALL year, no matter what the season may be:

Don’t Skimp on Sunscreen. Don’t be fooled by lower temperatures, overcast skies or rainy days. UV rays are just as strong when hitting the slopes as they are on the beach. “The easiest way to prevent sun damage and protect your skin is to apply an SPF of at least 30 every day – not to mention, look younger. Reapplying every 2 hours if in the sun is critical as well” says Dr. Nussbaum, Dermatologist and Brand Spokesperson for Sebamed.

Use Hair Masks Regularly. Do you color your hair, straighten it a few times a week or use a lot of hair spray? Adding chemicals, applying heat or using products are habits that we all find hard to kick, and can come with some unwanted side effects. Anna Urban, CEO of AVIVA™ notes that “you should be applying a hair mask like Aviva’s Hair Rescue Renewal Masque 1-2 times per week to repair damage and restore elastic, while replenishing the moisture which often depletes from dry summer heat and the cold winter air.” ($29.95,


Wax Even Through Winter. Let’s face it, as the temperature drop we are inevitably becoming a little bit lazier with our normal waxing routine and the motivation for tiny bikinis and warm summer afternoons pass. Noemi Grupenmager, founder and CEO of Uni K Wax Centers notes that “maintaining regular waxes year-round will benefit you in the long run because waxing weakens the hair follicle, causing hair to grow back slower, lighter and thinner over time. Dry, winter hair is more likely to break when waxing, causing it to grow back faster and thicker, so you want to keep skin hydrated and healthy (ie. drink lots of water and exfoliate regularly.)”

Shiny Health Hair from Dr. Rebecca Kazin: Perfect for All Hair Textures

Harsh winter weather can be hair’s worst enemy. From hat hair to static to dry ends and frizz, dropping temperatures signal seemingly endless hair woes. Ski slope sun exposure, drying indoor heat and high winds all present challenges, often resulting in brittle, tangled strands.

“Just as your skin can look dull and dry during the low humidity months, so can your scalp and hair,” says Rebecca Kazin, MD, FAAD. “Then add in our typical daily heating and styling tools which further stress and dehydrate the hair.”

Rebecca Kazin

As a top dermatologist at the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery and the Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology, Dr. Kazin has seen her share of hair/scalp complaints. Here she shares her tried and tested favorites to help your readers survive winter with shiny, healthy hair.


Protect – If you must use heated styling tools, it’s essential to use a good heat protectant spray. I like Aquage Beyond Body Thermal Spray because it has ceramic-infused polymers and fortifying proteins to seal hair’s outer layer.

Nourish – To maintain healthy hair, you must add more moisture during the winter months. Apply Oribe Supershine Moisturizing Crème post-shower to calm frizz and satisfy and restore even the thirstiest hair to softness.

Shine – Our hair color fades faster in the winter as we wash our hair more often due to weather conditions. Restore radiance and shine with It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-in Product. It works on all hair types to bring out natural luster and manageability while also maintaining your color.

Frizz– Women with thin, fine hair are hit particularly hard with static. Tame flyaways with Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Crème. It transforms hair’s texture to leave it smooth and glowing with vibrant shine.

Gabrielle Union – Regal Photos of The Bride

Truthfully, I’ve waited for the release of #thewadeunion photos because I knew that Gabrielle Union would be a beautiful bride.

She’s giving us regal glamour in the picture above with beach wave hair, diamond earrings, and a heart shape gown. And looks severely “hot” in the jumpsuit below!

Palmers Products: Beauty Buys to Combat Hair & Skin

Let’s talk about beauty products you need to have in your life! As several of you may not know, I suffer from dry skin…all year long. I am constantly searching for something to help combat my never ending skin care issues.

I was contacted to try Palmer’s new products, ranging from dry mist oil to spray lotion. I have a history of using Palmer’s throughout my pregnancy and for minor blemishes. Eager to open my box, this package lived up to my expectations and more!

But it wasn’t just about the packaging, every product was outstanding and I have three favorites: Rapid Spray Moisture Lotion, Cocoa Butter Formula Heel Repair, and Skin Therapy Oil.

The Rapid Spray Lotion definitely comes in handy when you’re busy and need to apply lotion quickly. And you can carry this bottle in your tote if you need to re-apply. After trying another brand’s spray lotion, I personally feel this is the better option because it lasts longer and makes the skin glow due to having Vitamin E, Cocoa Butter, and Aloe.

The Cocoa Butter Heel Repair can also be used in between pedicures and with your nightly beauty routine along with the Skin Therapy Oil (for your face) but I’ve also applied this to other skin blemishes.

To purchase Palmer’s products, visit your local drugstore or online at Palmer’


Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Dry Oil Mist– This 8-oil blend mist works great as spot shine treatment or to quickly tame flyaways. This product instantly restores moisture to dry hair giving dull, lifeless locks the perfect glow. ($8.99)

· Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Strengthening Leave-In Conditioner– Treat your dull, damaged hair to an intensive blend of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Vitamin E, Keratin and Silk Proteins, guaranteed to nurse sun-scarred hair back to health. This product helps control frizz, adds shine, reduces split ends, detangles and acts as a heat protectant all in one bottle! ($9.70)

· Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Deep Conditioning Protein Pack– The sun and salt water can strip your hair of its natural moisture and leave it dull and lifeless, this concentrated treatment repairs the follicle from the inside out, infusing it with strengthening protein and vitamins. ($2.00)

· Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Rapid Moisture Instant Cooling Spray Lotion– This Cocoa Butter and Aloe based spray lotion is the perfect after-sun moisturizer leaving skin feeling soft, smooth and instantly refreshed ideal for relieving pain from sunburnt or sun-starved skin patches. ($5.99)

· Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Heel Repair– The perfect problem-solution product specifically formulated to soften and smooth dry, cracked heels and feet. In a convenient no-mess stick applicator, this product is a must-have to repair dry skin patches caused by summer month activities. ($6.95)

· Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil Face– Containing 10 restorative oils, this powerful blend helps moisturize and smooth fine lines and wrinkles while improving and brightening skin tone and texture including key ingredients such as Retinol and Vitamin C – providing the ultimate in complexion perfection! ($9.99)